Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
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Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
Man is troubled not by events, but by the meaning he gives them.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
No great thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
No man is free who is not master of himself.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
Only the educated are free.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
Practise yourself, for heaven’s sake, in little things and thence proceed to greater.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
Preach not to others what they should eat, but eat as becomes you, and be silent.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
Reason is not measured by size or height, but by principle.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
Seek not that the things which happen should happen as you wish but wish the things which happen to be as they are, and you will have a tranquil flow of life.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
The essence of philosophy is that a man should so live that his happiness shall depend as little as possible on external things.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus