The good or ill of a man lies within his own will.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
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The good or ill of a man lies within his own will.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
There are some things which men confess with ease, and others with difficulty.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
To a reasonable creature, that alone is insupportable which is unreasonable but everything reasonable may be supported.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
We must not believe the many, who say that only free people ought to be educated, but we should rather believe the philosophers who say that only the educated are free.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
Were I a nightingale, I would act the part of a nightingale were I a swan, the part of a swan.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
What is the first business of one who practices philosophy To get rid of self-conceit. For it is impossible for anyone to begin to learn that which he thinks he already knows.
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus
When you close your doors, and make darkness within, remember never to say that you are alone, for you are not alone nay, God is within, and your genius is within. And what need have they of light to see what you are doing
Quote, saying and phrase by: Epictetus