Offensiveness is a necessary consequence…

Offensiveness is a necessary consequence of opinions strongly held and openly expressed, and free societies should treasure and protect it. An idea that offends no one is not worth entertaining.

Quote, saying and phrase by: Unknown

Often sound advice turns out to be total…

Often sound advice turns out to be totally wrong. Sometimes things turn out in such a way that only a fool would predict. Which is why fools, too, have their place in analysis and debate.

Quote, saying and phrase by: Unknown

People who are too concerned with how we…

People who are too concerned with how well they are doing will be less successful and feel less competent than those who focus on the task itself… Some psychologists call it a conflict between ego-orientation, or between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation… but in all cases, what counts is whether attention is turned away from the task at hand and focused on the self and its future rewards, or whether it is instead trained on the task itself. The latter attitude seems the more fruitful.

Quote, saying and phrase by: Unknown