The factory of the future will have two …

The factory of the future will have two employees a man and a dog. The man’s job will be to feed the dog. The dog’s job will be to prevent the man from touching any of the automated equipment.

Quote, saying and phrase by: Warren Bennis

The leaders I met, whatever walk of life…

The leaders I met, whatever walk of life they were from, whatever institutions they were presiding over, always referred back to the same failure something that happened to them that was personally difficult, even traumatic, something that made them feel that desperate sense of hitting bottom–as something they thought was almost a necessity. It’s as if at that moment the iron entered their soul that moment created the resilience that leaders need.

Quote, saying and phrase by: Warren Bennis

The most dangerous leadership myth is th…

The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership. This myth asserts that people simply either have certain charismatic qualities or not. That’s nonsense in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born. Failing organizations are usually over-managed and under-led.

Quote, saying and phrase by: Warren Bennis

What makes a good follower The single mo…

What makes a good follower The single most important characteristic may well be a willingness to tell the truth. In a world of growing complexity leaders are increasingly dependent on their subordinates for good information, whether the leaders want to hear it or not. Followers who tell the truth and leaders who listen to it are an unbeatable combination.

Quote, saying and phrase by: Warren Bennis